viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008

El joven lo fi - El joven lo fi

"A.C Paoletti, Andres Calamaro, Beck, Chris Knox have a new descendant. It is the suburban "El joven Lo Fi" (The lo fi youngster) , willing to leave his professional rocker gadgets aside for another ocassion and focusing in autobiographical intimacy. A Lo fi classic: truly unfinished melodies, low self-esteem, unlimited desperation stories. The incredible Buenos aires underground don´t invite El joven lo fi to lo fi parties (he fulfills all the requirements of bad done recording, singing even worse than how he records, and feeling the worst). The best of all: Out of the cliched despair, the 1rd person singular narration of a Glew´s cable service collector. Welcome to the lo fi family where style is the main victory"

Revolver magazine, 1996


La nueva flor - 1st recording

Julian Della Paolera, Miguel Castro and Leonardo Santos, Victoria Mil´s partners in crime since 1996, founded La nueva flor with Fernando Isely (who is nowadays playing in Placer) while the “Nuevo rock argentino” was sealing its decay. Highly influenced by My bloody valentine and the shoegazers, they were among the first bands who would further be part of the southern Gran Buenos “indie” scene of the middle 90´s, along with Copiloto pilato, Estupendo, Adrian Paoletti, Perdedores pop and El otro yo. Prior to the release of “La nueva flor” (1995), this is the band´s first known recording. Apparently, the tracks were recorded in a rehearsal room, with the band playing all together.

Julian Della Paolera, Miguel castro y Leonardo Santos, complices en Victoria Mil desde 1996, crearon La nueva flor junto a Fernando Isely (quien actualmente toca en Placer) mientras el “Nuevo rock argentino” estaba a punto de sellar su decaimiento. Altamente influenciados por My bloody valentine y lo que se catalogó como shoegaze, fueron una de las primeras bandas que posteriormente serían parte de la escena "indie" de zona sur de Gran Buenos Aires de mediados de los 90´s, junto con Copiloto pilato, Estupendo, Adrian Paoletti y El otro yo, entre otros. Previo al lanzamiento de “La nueva flor” en 1995, esta es la primera grabación que la banda realizó. Aparentemente, los tracks fueron concretados en una sala de ensayo, con los integrantes tocando todos juntos.

Band members / Integrantes:
Julián Della Paolera: Guitar/ Guitarra
Leonardo Santos:
Drums / Batería
Miguel Castro:
Voice and keyboards / Voz y teclados
Fernando Isely: Bass guitar / Bajo

Originally recorded in a K7, some milliseconds were lost during the conversion.
Originalmente grabado en cassete, algunos milisegundos fueron perdidos durante la digitalización
